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Start your journey to "Health & Wellness' understand and take control of your choice to live-well. This page provides you a brief description of...


Holistic Health & Wellness-Harmony and balance within all aspects of self -body, mind and spirit and emotions along with natural diet, and herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, exercise, relaxation, psycho-spiritual counseling, meditation and breathing.

 Dimensions of Health and Wellness:

 Physical Health-This dimension includes characteristics such as body size and shape.

Intellectual Health-The ability to think clearly, reason objectively, analyze critically and use brainpower effectively

Spiritual Health-Having a sense of meaning and purpose in your life. includes belief  (God).

Emotional Health-The feeling component being able to express emotions when appropriate and to control them when not

.Environmental Health-Entails understanding how the health of the environment in which you live, work and play

To make the choice of "living well," we must first understand these basic elements and apply them to our  daily lives. 















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